WEED WEDNESDAY: Blue Heliotrope (Heliotropium amplexicaule)
12th Apr 2023
Blue Heliotrope competes with desirable pasture plants and causes toxicity to stock. It is widespread and adaptable to a wide range of soil and climate types. It is also extremely drought hardy.
Stems are:
• many, hairy and branched
• radiating from woody roots
• highly aromatic
Flowers are:
• bluish-purple with yellow centre
• in dense clusters along one side of a coiled stalk
• have a strong, slender taproot, generally extending to over 1m
• woody
• have a complex system of lateral roots occurring at several depths
Blue Heliotrope is adapted to a wide range of habitats, and can reproduce from both seed and root fragments. Blue Heliotrope spreads aggressively, as it produces many sticky seeds that adhere to animals and machinery. Seed can pass unharmed through the digestive tracts of most animals. Blue Heliotrope can also regenerate from root fragments. It is most commonly spread by road graders, farm machinery, livestock, humans and the movement of water along watercourses.