Council Meetings

Ordinary meetings of Council are generally held from 1:00pm to 2:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month on a quarterly basis (February, April, June, August and November).

The decisions of Council are adopted through a majority voting system with each of our 6 members having one vote. In the case of an equal number of votes, the Chairperson has the casting vote.

Special meetings are held at other times when required.  Meeting dates and times are published on Councils' website home page (Upcoming Events), are notified in NEWA’s Newsletter or can be obtained by telephoning Council on (02) 5775 9700.

Meetings are open to the public and the media except on occasions where there is a discussion of confidential items, such as those relating to staff or concerning legal matters. 

Council Meeting Dates

Month Specific Items for Council Determination
(in addition to normal standing agenda items and
other ordinary council business)
  • Receive and note draft Financial Statements
    for referral to audit
15 Aug 2023
  • Public presentation of audited Financial Statements,
  • Receive and adopt September Quarterly Budget Review,
  • Receive and adopt Annual Report for 2022/23 FY
21 Nov 2023
  • Receive and adopt December Quarterly Budget Review
20 Feb 2024
  • Endorse draft Operational Plan, Budget & Revenue
    Policy for 2024/25 FY for public exhibition,
  • Receive and adopt March Quarterly Budget Review
14 May 2024
  • Adopt Operational Plan, Budget & Revenue Policy for 2024/25 FY
18 Jun 2024

Public Forum Options

Council may hold a public forum immediately prior to each ordinary meeting of the county council for the purpose of hearing submissions from members of the public about items to be considered at the meeting or other matters relevant to Council.  The options for presenting are online via video conferencing, providing a written submission or in person.

If you would like to present, you will need to register by 10.00am on the day prior to the advertised Council meeting and specify the item of business on the meeting agenda that you wish to speak to, whether you wish to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ that item, and your preferred option for presenting.

To register, contact Council on (02) 5775 9700.

Public forums are chaired by Council’s chairperson or their nominee.  Please note that the General Manager or their delegate may refuse an application to speak at a public forum.  The General Manager (or delegate) must provide their reasons in writing for a decision to refuse an application

Council Agendas, Business Papers and Minutes

View Council Agendas and Minutes Archive